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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Spas Information

The spa information and articles that you will find on this site aim to take just a little of the mystery out of spas and spa breaks, though not too much. We'll take a peek at the treatments and therapies you can find behind the doors of these havens of peace and relaxation.

We'll have a wander through the types of spa available, and some of the facilities you can expect to find in them. You'll also find some great reviews featuring some of the best, most famous and award winning spas throughout Britain, Europe, America and beyond.

From saunas to ice rooms, exotic Frangipani nourishing body wraps to four handed hot stone massages we'll help you to make an informed decision when choosing which spa type and destination is right for you.

Choosing the right spa destination for you can be quite a daunting task. There are a fantastic selection of therapies available and many spas offer a wide range of treatments, but there is probably no point in going to a spa that specializes in holistic therapies such as Reiki and Crystal healing if you are looking for a hydrotherapy session followed by a manicure and facial.

Choosing The Best Spa For You

Spas come in all shapes and sizes. Some are experts in a particular field, whilst others offer a broad spectrum of facilities. There are sumptuous hotel spas designed to present the pinnacle of opulent indulgence to their guests.

Alternatively there are chic day spas and treatment rooms, boutique spas catering for just a few clients at a time, single sex spas, spa retreats, mobile spas, health spas, beauty spas, eco spas, weight loss spas – the list seems endless!

Spas Products


Multi-Acid Resurfacing Peel
Peel back the years with these power pads that are pre-soaked, convenient and easy to use. This chemical exfoliator reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin and pore size. Provides clinical strength results at a fraction of the price of a single day spa treatment.
#14644 (30 pads) $50

Microderm® Abrasion for Face
Deeply physically exfoliates the skin’s surface, creating the optimal environment to increase skin’s cell turnover rate and increase skin firmness. Reduces appearance of fi ne lines, wrinkles and discolorations. Now contains 25% more product than before. Enjoy 10 to 15 treatments per jar for less than one treatment at a med-spa or doctor’s office.
2.5 oz., #15215 $55 Facial Buffer #13936 $11.50

Regeneration® Tight, Firm & Fill®
Face Creme

Now that the surface of the skin is fresh and renewed, this fabulous anti-aging creme goes to work to immediately tighten and firm the skin and diminish the appearance of wrinkles.
#14242 $48.50

Regeneration® Tight, Firm & Fill®
Eye Firming Serum

An amazing and unique product that not only visibly lifts the eyelid but also improves the all-around skin texture around the delicate eye area.
#14213 $42.50


Dead Sea Products:

Sensation Spa Deep Cleansing Mud Soap

Our Spa Deep Cleansing Mud Soap is a natural facial cleanser for the treatment of clogged pores and blackheads. This Dead Sea beauty spa skin care product is a pore cleanser formulated for the treatment of acne, blackheads & other skin disorders of the face. Made by Swisa Beauty.

Dead Sea Mineral Mud

Our Dead Sea Mud Pack is a spa quality beauty product containing Dead Sea mud found in its natural state. It contains Dead Sea trace minerals to cleanse and purify the skin while improving circulation and reducing muscle tension. Try a mud bath today!

Sensation Spa Exfoliating Mud Mask

Designed for all skin types, this Dead Sea mud & mineral enriched beauty mask will gently exfoliate your skin, removing impurities, and dead skin cells. Specially formulated with the added botanical extracts and vitamin E, this gentle beauty mask will bring new life back into tired skin, leaving it refreshed and renewed.

Spas for Body

Anti-Perspirants and Deodorants

"I like your spa at home recipes -- I make them with my Aunt once a month when we housesit together. This may be a dumb question, but can you make your own deodorant/antiperspirant at home, too? We were laughing that it's the only body thing have not made on our beauty weekend." -- Emily K.

Emily -- I'm glad we are contributing to a fun way to spend a weekend. Of course you can make your own hygiene care at home -- however, let's distinguish between the two products you mentioned. Antiperspirants and deodorants are not the same thing.

Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores with powerful astringents -- such as aluminum salts -- so that they cannot release perspiration. Many natural health care proponents argue against using aluminum because it accumulates in the brain.

Deodorants work by neutralizing the smell of the perspiration mixed with "body dust" (skin, hair and other bacterial goodies we carry around on ourselves all day), and by antiseptic action against that bacteria. Deodorants are more healthful because they don’t interfere with perspiration, a natural cooling process.

Here are a few simple recipes, which are fun to make because they can customized with your favorite scents. We don't always have to smell "powder fresh" or "sunshine fresh." I prefer ylang ylang, myself. -- Editor

  • Baking Soda: Baking soda works wonders because it neutralizes the odor of sweat. Just sprinkle a light covering of baking soda onto a damp washcloth. Pat on. Don’t rinse.

  • Basic Deodorant Powder: 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup cornstarch, a few drops essential oils such as lavender or cinnamon, or try cedar and sage for men. Place the ingredients in a glass jar. Shake to blend. Sprinkle a light covering of the powder on a damp washcloth. Pat on. Do not rinse.

  • Basic Liquid Deoderant:1/4 cup each witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, and mineral water, 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin, a few drops antibacterial essential oils such as lavender, or tea tree. Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake to blend. Makes 3/4 cup with an indefinite shelf life.

Hi, I read the recipe for home made deodorants and they look good, but I have a real simple but effective one to tell you about. Simply put some apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and apply under the arms. When it dries...its smell is gone. It works for me a minimum of 14 hours. It even cleared up a small mild rash from the regular store deodorant I stopped using.


1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sesame seed oil
2 teaspoons vitamin E oil
2 tablespoons grated beeswax
3 drops essential oil of grapefruit
2 drops of aroma oil (optional, your choice)
a pinch of borax

Blend the vitamin E oil, beeswax and sesame oil. Heat on low until melted. Combine the water, oils and borax. Heat for a few minutes (until warm) but do not boil. Combine the water mixture with the beeswax mixture. Mix well (at least 2 minutes). For a fluffier cream, use an electric mixer or a blender. Pour the cream into a clean container after it has cooled completely.

*FYI: "Creme" is a commonly used term to describe a creamy substance without dairy additives. For instance, heavy whipping cream uses actual "cream" whereas "Mock Whipped Creme" does not.


  • 1/2 cup liquid glycerin
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 1/2 to 3 cups sugar or salt (white sugar, brown sugar, or table salt)
  • 1 teaspoon solid coconut butter or solid coconut oil
  • 6 drops of essential oil of your choice, or combine several (not to exceed 6 drops)

Combine glycerin, water, and one cup of sugar or table salt until the salt/sugar has mostly dissolved. Add the remainder of the sugar/salt until you have a rather pasty mixture, at a consistency you prefer. Meanwhile, melt the coconut butter or oil in a small container, in your microwave. MELT, but do not overheat. Stir the melted coconut oil into your sugar mixture, and stir well. Last, add the six drops of essential oils of your choice, stirring to blend. Melt and add more coconut butter or oil to reach your desired consistency. Transfer your mixture to an airtight container or jar, and cool until slightly thickened. Use as an after shower or after bath moisturizing body scrub.

Beauty Spas for Lips


Protect sensitive lips from the drying winter elements with this simple yet rich lip balm. Delightful to wear alone or on top of your lipstick for extra shine! Gather 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil, 10 fresh cranberries, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 drop of vitamin E oil . Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for a couple of minutes or until the mixture just begins to boil. (Bowl may also be heated in a pan of water on a stovetop). Stir well and gently crush the berries. Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit pieces. Stir again and set aside to cool completely. When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin. Apply a small amount onto your lips and remember to smile!

Cold Cream

Cold cream was first developed by Galen, a 2nd century Greek physician, in his service as an attendant in a local temple to Asclepius, the Greek God of Medicine and Healing. One of Galen's primary roles was to tend to the Gladiators following "games." He developed a great many healing treatments, cold cream among them.

Galen's cold cream contained olive oil (for softening), water, beeswax (the base of the cream), and rose petals (for aromatherapy). It was called called "cold cream" because after it was applied to the skin, its water content evaporated, which left a cool feeling on the skin. Commercially manufactured cold creams have long since replaced the olive oil with mineral or other oils, which will not spoil as rapidly.

Some recipes for cold cream will contain borax; others will not. Borax is a natural ingredient, and acts as both an antiseptic and a preservative. A reaction occurs when added to recipes containing beeswax -- it turns the concoction a creamy white color.


1 ounce grated beeswax or beeswax pellets
6 tablespoons light mineral oil
4 tablespoons distilled water
1 teaspoon borax
2-3 drops of your preferred essential oil

In a double boiler or clean class dish in a microwave, combine beeswax and mineral oil. Gently heat and stir until melted and well blended. While melting, dissolve your borax in the distilled water and heat it gently -- do not boil. Remove both pans or dishes from the heat source, and, stirring constantly, slowly drizzle the distilled water and borax solution into your wax and oil solution. When fully combined, begin to beat vigorously until it has cooled. Add your essential oil and continue to beat until your cream is light and airy, with a brilliant white sheen. Store in clean glass jars, preferably in the refrigerator. The borax is a simple preservative, but your cream will keep best in the refrigerator, for approximately 3-6 weeks.


40g (approximately 1.5 ounces) fresh, good quality cold pressed safflower oil
40g (approximately 1.5 ounces) ) distilled water
10g (approximately 1/3 ounce) beeswax pellets or grated beeswax**
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon borax, if a white cream is desired, otherwise, optional

**Be aware that some people are allergic to beeswax. Exercise caution.

1 heat resistant microwave safe bowl with lid
1 hand whisk or wooden spoon
1 teaspoon or dropper
Kitchen scales
Heat resistant pot (small) to contain the cream
Ice cube trays
Freezer Storage Container


Combine safflower oil and beeswax pellets or shavings into a clean, dry bowl. Microwave on low, gently, until the beeswax has melted.Slowly drizzle the teaspoon of honey into the oil mixture, beating thoroughly. A dedicated blender or food processor works fine (dedicated meaning you keep a spare one for craft projects, and you do not use it for food preparation).Using a teaspoon or dropper, slowly drop minute amounts of distilled water into the oil/wax/honey, whisking quickly the entire time. Once you have incorporated all of the distilled water into the mixture, allow your cream to "settle" for at least five minutes. Water which has not incorporated will settle to the bottom, and the cream layer will rise to the top. Drain off and discard this lower layer of water.Gently spoon one teaspoon of "cold cream" into each well of a clean, dry ice cube tray. Freeze until solid. (Optional: Spread a large, loose piece of plastic wrap over the try for easy removal of the cubes at one time).Remove frozen cubes from the tray and place them into an airtight freezer storage container, or ziplock bag.

To Use:

Each evening, remove a frozen cream cube from your freezer, and place into your "daily pot." An empty, clean cosmetic pot works well. Thaw overnight, in your refrigerator, and use the cool, chilled cream within 24 hours. Repeat the process each evening, or, as often as you feel like a smoothing lift.

This remedy is particularly nice on hot summer evenings when your face needs both a moisture boost, and a cooling treatment.

Please keep your cold cream frozen and refrigerated at all times -- there are no preservatives and this method will preserve the shelf life.


The herbal waters are antiseptic and toning. Grapefruit seed extract is available in health food stores, and is included in the recipe as a preservative.

  • 1/2 cup rose, lavender, or distilled water

  • 1 teaspoon pure vegetable glycerin

  • 1/4 to 1 teaspoon cold pressed organic almond oil

  • 12 drops grapefruit seed extract

Make the rose or lavender water by placing a small handful of dried organic rose petals or lavender in a pint mason jar and adding boiling water to cover. Let steep overnight, then thoroughly strain. Combine the remaining ingredients in a glass jar and shake to blend. Dab some on your fingers or a cotton ball and massage into your skin. Rinse with warm water. Keep stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month or so. Discard at the first sign of mold.

beauty spa treatments

How to plan your visit :

Once you have decided on the date of your day or evening visit, simply call the Reservation Team where one of your friendly agents will take you through any lunch and treatment requirements.


...that the best time to bathe is when the stomach is empty?

...that salted water will help alleviate light-headedness some people experience when soaking in hot water?

...that baths deprive you of body fluids, and drinking alcohol before or during a bath increases the dehydration.

...Any substance applied to your skin, will also be absorbed by it? Choose your cosmetic and beauty products with this simple rule in mind: If you wouldn't eat it, don't wear it or use it on your skin. Use the BEST and freshest ingredients, not the least expensive or those which have "crossed over."

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